
Bissmarck actively pursue improvements that contribute to a healthy and sustainable life for all flora and fauna.

Naturally, selecting a mechanical watch will eliminate the use of batteries containing hazardous substances such as mercury, but mechanical watches also display a life-span that normally by far exceeds that of simpler watches, thus limiting total waste.

In addition to this, Bissmarck actively pursue environmental issues in all our daily work, e.g. selecting natural and environmentally friendly materials for our products, selecting shipment methods with low environmental impact and striving to completely rely on FSC branded paper in all our documentation and much more.

In addition to this, and as a direct financial contribution, Bissmarck send e.g. WWF funds on a regular basis as a fixed part of our profit.

Bissmarck view environmental issues some of the most important quests for Mankind in the 21:st Century and consider our contributions a natural and important part of any modern business strategy.

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